Neus Emilio Estapé
DESS® Dental was present at the 38th LMT LAB DAY Chicago, which took place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, from the 23rd to the 25th of February.
Yesterday, March 8th, 2023, marked International Women’s Day, and to commemorate such an important occasion, DESS® organised a very special breakfast for all the women on our team.
DESS® Dental welcomed the future dental technicians from Escola Pejoan (Barcelona) to our premises on the 13th of February. The visit consisted in a complete training session about our history and trajectory, our technologies, products and DESS® certifications and Lifetime Warranty. Afterwards, we took the students to a headquarters and factory tour.
We are launching the New DESS Dental 2023 Catalogue and the new Quick Reference Guide 2023, which include all the dental abutments we have available for the 31 most popular connections on the market. Check out the 2023 new added references.
AMASI Altamaioz EST, our distributor from Saudi Arabia, and their clients have been with us from the 13th to the 15th of December, three days in which they have had a tour of our headquarters, various training sessions and a guided tour around Barcelona.
New Digital Workflow Catalogue 2023, a brand new catalogue to comprehend the digital workflow and all the products that are involved in it.
We were delighted to host Metaux Precieux on Friday, one of our German distributors. The visit covered Digital Workflow and DESS products training, DESS factory tour, lunch with team DESS and a Barcelona guided tour.
DESS is present at the Congrès International ADF 2022, which started on Tuesday November 22 and takes place until tomorrow, November 26 at the Palais des Congrès de Paris. We are attending in collaboration with our distributors from France: SAS Protétik and Henry Schein France. SAS Protetik is exhibiting DESS implant systems Conical BLT and Active Hex, the first implants on the market to generate Zero Waste.