DESS Dental Attends Business with Social Value 2022 Event

On Friday 3rd June, our ESG Manager, Mireia Corral, attended the Business with Social Value 2022 event at the Hotel Alimara, Barcelona.
BWSV event is a solidarity initiative in which visibility is given to all those companies, institutions, and social organisations that have more than 70% of people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion in their workforces. The products and services of the Special Work Centres and non-profit labour insertion companies were presented to other interested companies or profit-making institutions.
The main objective of this social initiative is to increase the process of positive discrimination toward non-profit businesses that integrate people with disabilities. This generates real business opportunities with social value, which contribute to the economic sustainability of the third sector and the generation of social value in companies.
Special guests included members of the Barcelona Tourism Consortium, who talk about their exemplary practices in sustainability, commitment, dedication, and authenticity. In addition, there were other large groups and Special Employment Centres and companies for integration such as Ilunion, FECTEC, AMMFEINA, Dincat, and Gecom.
From the program, we would like to highlight the talk by Pau Garcia Mila, "Ens posem al dia" and the interview with Andy Trias Trueta interviewed by journalist Susana Parellada Capdevila, "Ignorant la Síndrome de Down". Also, the Barcelona Sustainable Tourism awards and the Round Table’s "Are we coherent with sustainability?”
During the meeting, there were also 2 hours of "Face to Face". These were short meetings of 15 minutes in which each special work centre and job placement company sat down with an interested company and presented all their products and services.
We at DESS Dental are very happy to have been part of this great solidarity initiative. We believe that we still have a long way to go, but we are working to promote the integration of people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion in our company.
Finally, we would like to share their vision with all our customers: "The work of social and sustainable enterprises contributes to making a better world, that's why we have to take care of them."