DESS Dental Joins the Zero CO2 Barberá del Vallés Project

In March 2022 our ESG manager, Mireia Corral, assisted with the presentation of the Zero C02 Barberá del Vallés project.
The City Hall of Barberá del Vallés has been developing a global strategy for the whole city, promoting different initiatives in various fields of action with the aim of contributing to the reduction of climate change. As we all know, emissions of gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane are producing accelerated global warming and it is time to take action to reduce it.
One of the objectives of our environmental policy is to become a carbon-neutral company, reducing the impact we generate, either directly or indirectly. We believe that this program can help us to achieve this. For this reason, DESS Dental has joined this initiative of the Barberá del Vallés City Hall to help tackle climate change.
At the industrial and business level, the municipality has a total of 1,100 registered companies distributed in different industrial estates. Due to the proximity and crossing of major metropolitan communication routes, they produce a high level of atmospheric pollution. With the aim of taking action at an industrial level, the City Hall has created this local project so that all the companies in the municipality can be part of the solution, work together, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
What is the Zero CO2 project?
This project was created to meet the targets set by the United Nations. Some of these objectives for 2030 are the reduction of global emissions by 55% of 1990 levels, as well as limiting global warming to 1.5˚C, and reaching 0% global emissions by 2050.
To do this, they have created a Local Office for Climate Change in Barberá del Vallés (OLCC) to manage the different services of the "ZeroCO2BdV" project and help all those companies in the municipality that adhere to the program to reduce their emissions of gases that are harmful to the environment. Some of the actions to be carried out are the following:
1. Calculate our carbon footprint index.
2. They will help us to define a series of actions to reduce emissions at a company level.
3. They will carry out a process of certification and registration of all emissions so that they can be offset by local projects.
It is important to reduce the impact we generate, either directly or indirectly with our own equipment, travel, air conditioning/cooling of facilities, electricity consumption and generation, waste management, and cleaning, among others. It is time to become aware of our business activity and face the climate emergency.