Deterioration of dental implants

A team of dentists from RUDN University confirmed that a change in the dominant side of chewing after the implantology process could lead to early deterioration of dental implants, the results of the study were published in the European Journal of Dentistry.
It usually takes a patient 3 to 4 months to get accustomed to a dental implant and during this time the type of chewing and the load on the teeth can change. Such a change makes it more difficult for a patient to get accustomed to an implant and could lead to bone tissue abnormalities.
The study sample was 64 adults with implants installed only on one side of the jaw. 40 patients (62.5%) reported changes in the dominant side of chewing after the surgery.
Comparing this group with the rest of the sample that reported no changes in their chewing habits, dentists found out that a change of the dominant side of chewing leads to more bone tissue formation pathologies.
Six months after the surgery, patients that changed their dominant side of chewing felt 22% less adapted to the implants than the patients with no changes in their chewing patterns.