DESS Catalogs
Discover all the DESS Dental catalogs! In this section, you can download the complete DESS Dental catalog, where you will find our range of dental abutments and prosthetic solutions available for the 32 most popular implant connections on the market. You will also find the product catalogs for ANGLEBase, ELLIPTIBase, C-Base, Pre-milled Blanks, DESSLoc, and Multi-Unit, where you can find all the features and benefits of each abutment. Finally, we have available a digital flow catalog and a Quick Reference Guide to consult all our products by compatibility.

DESS Catalogue

C-Base® Catalogue
DownloadCAD/CAM Library Guides
At DESS Dental, we have been developing and manufacturing digital abutments and solutions for years, to facilitate the workflow of dentists and dental technicians, saving time and costs. For this reason, we offer our own free CAD/CAM libraries for Exocad, 3Shape, and Dental Wings. Click on view all libraries and download the installation guides in pdf format as well as the files for the CAD/CAM Libraries available for Ti Bases, C-Base, ANGLEBase, ELLIPTIBase, Multi-Unit, and Pre-milled Blanks, among others.

DESS dental abutments and prosthetic solutions are manufactured under the strictest quality controls worldwide. In this section, you can download all DESS quality certificates, from the MDSAP certificate (Medical Device Single Audit Program), CE certificate, FDA certificate (Food and Drug Administration), Health Canada certificate to the ISO 9001:2015 and 13485:2016 certificates. For us, product quality is intrinsically linked to our business.

MDSAP Certificate
ISO Certificates
CE Certificate
Download the Instructions for Use (IFU) manual for all our products and other documents, such as the DESS Dental prosthetic procedure, technical specifications, or a guide with the recommended torque of all DESS screws by compatibility, among others. You can also request more information about our lifetime warranty. To view the rest of the files, click on view all documents.